
Elementara: Guide to the Seven Elements for 5e

Created by Plus Three Press

Elementara is an exciting new sourcebook that brings elemental manipulation to 5e, transforming the way you build characters and adventures with tons of new elemental options and resources. With this book, you’ll choose one of seven elements to awaken within your character, customizing them using 150+ new spells and martial techniques. Then, you’ll unleash those newfound powers in your own worlds or in the fantastic world of Ezara, a thrilling new campaign setting featuring seven great nations that have each built around a gargantuan elemental anomaly.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfilment Update #2
4 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 03:07:10 AM

Hey everyone! 

Here's another quick update on how Elementara's fulfilment is going. 

Container Shipments Have Progressed Smoothly

Bulk shipments of the books and cards have been sent out and the shipments have progressed smoothly. Here are the various stages they are at:

  • Orders for the US and Canada arrived in port March 10. The items are currently being packaged and prepared, and individual shipments will begin soon!
  • Orders for the UK and EU is due to port at the end of March. Once there, they will be packaged and prepared before being sent. 
  • Shipments everywhere else were organised last week, and most should be sent off for delivery by now. Tracking numbers are being collected should be distributed soon. 

For all orders, tracking information will be emailed to you. Keep an eye on your inbox for tracking information within the next weeks (depending on your location above).

That's all for today. Thanks everyone!

Have questions? Leave a comment, shoot me an email at [email protected] or join the Discord!



Fulfilment Update #1 + Shard VTT Version Released!
6 months ago – Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 04:06:48 AM

Hey everyone! 

Here's an update on how Elementara's fulfilment is going. 

Container Shipments are Heading Out!

Bulk shipments of the books and cards have begun to be sent out to the various distribution centers. Different locations are at different stages, here are the details:

  • The shipment to the US (which also contains orders to Canada) was sent out early this month and is currently on the way.
  • The shipment to the UK (which also contains orders to the EU) has been packed and prepared. It is scheduled to sail at the end of February. These orders will be handled by GamesQuest.
  • Shipments everywhere else are scheduled to ship at the end of February. 

Once individual orders are sent out and tracking numbers are available, I'll update you all again. Until then, you can anticipate your rewards being delivered sometime during March - April, depending on your location. 

Elementara is now on Shard Tabletop!

Elementara was recently released on the Shard Virtual Tabletop! If you haven't heard about Shard before, it is a virtual tabletop, character sheet, and campaign manager dedicated to 5th Edition games. 

Codes for pre-orders of the Shard VTT License have now been sent out. It is also now available on the Shard Marketplace. You can find it here!

And that's all for today. Thanks everyone!

Have questions? Leave a comment, shoot me an email at [email protected] or join the Discord!



Printing is Complete!
7 months ago – Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 04:39:38 AM

Hey everyone, 

Hope you all had a fantastic holiday season!

Quick update today to announce that the printing of the books and cards is now complete. Production has gone through all of the required stages and the products are currently being prepared to ship. The containers should depart this month or early next.

The Shard Tabletop VTT Conversion of Elementara will also be complete and released by the end of this month. 

That's all for this update. Stay tuned, more updates and concrete dates will be announced soon as the products get shipped out from the printer. Thanks everyone!

Have questions? Leave a comment, shoot me an email at [email protected] or join the Discord!



Printing is Underway!
8 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 01:34:02 AM

Hey everyone, 

I hope everyone is having fun with the Final PDF! This is a super quick update on the printing of the book and cards. 

Currently, Elementara is right in the middle of the production, which includes printing, binding, quality control, and packaging. All of this is estimated to be complete by the end of the month, after which shipping will begin. Delivery is estimated March 2024 & onwards, depending on your location. 

Test Print

Here's a little preview of what the physical products will roughly look like—a photo of the test print I received early in November (sorry for the poor photo quality). A few things have changed since this test print, but I was overall very happy with how everything turned out. 

That's it for today. Thanks, and have a great holiday season everyone!

Have questions? Leave a comment, shoot me an email at [email protected] or join the Discord!



The Final PDF Has Been Officially Released!
8 months ago – Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 03:40:19 AM

Hey everyone!

It's here!—the final version of the Elementara PDF has been officially released, now on BackerKit for everyone to download. Thanks everyone so much for your patience, I'm very happy to be able to bring this finalized version of the book to you all. I hope the wait was worth it and that you'll enjoy the final product.

I want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who provided feedback during the Beta and Playtests. All of the insightful feedback and error-checking that was submitted has helped so much in refining the final product. Thank you so much!

What Was Just Released?

Here's a rundown of everything that was distributed through BackerKit today. In addition to the regular digital rewards, I've also released a bonus extra—an Elementara Art Pack, containing all of the original illustrations created for Elementara.

If you pledged for or pre-ordered...

1. The PDF and/or Hardcover of Elementara:

  • Elementara.pdf
  • Ezara_Continent_Map.jpg
  • Thank_You.pdf

2. The Spell & Technique Card Deck:

  • Digital_Spell_and_Technique_Cards.pdf

The Shard VTT Conversion of Elementara will be released in January.

How do I download my files?

You can download your files by logging into your BackerKit account and clicking on the Elementara project in your list of projects. There, you can click on “Get Your Digital Downloads'' to download your files. You will also receive an email that’ll contain a link to the download page. If you haven’t made a BackerKit account yet, you can create one using the same email you used on Kickstarter.

What's Next?

Within the next week, printing will start for Elementara's physical items. Binding, QC, and Packaging will continue through December and be completed by the end of the month. In January, shipping will begin—with delivery expected from the start of March 2024 (the exact time will vary based on your location). I'll be releasing more updates as more things in the printing and shipping process are complete and more exact dates are nailed down.

I also wanted to announce that addresses have now been locked. If any further changes are required, please shoot me an email at [email protected]. I've also paused pre-orders for physical items on BackerKit. They will be available again after this initial fulfilment run is complete, over at

Finally, I wanted to extend a huge thank you to everyone who backed this project and supported me through its development. I'm very grateful to have support in pursuing projects I am passionate about like this one. Thanks a bunch, and be sure to have a great week, everyone!

Have questions? Leave a comment, shoot me an email at [email protected] or join the Discord!

